Free avatar - Nino valentine edition
A lovely gift for valentine's day from me to the community <3
for the credits and instructions for uploading nino valentine version please make sure to read my text file provided within the package
nino has scratch items only made for her as in the headband with hearts - backpack with angel wings for commercial usage make sure to boost my server and get those parts
(more rules in the text file make sure to read them)
- DO NOT redistribute this package
- DO NOT claim as yours, No reselling the edited parts on this model ! for using it's all free assets i will link the original free parts and their creators discord/links in the text file.
- DO NOT share this package in other servers, only allowed in my server.
- DO NOT resell this model ! this is a free package i've made for my server, HOWEVER for using this model in anyway commercially you'd have to dm me first !
Nino's body base is made by Pandaabear#9873 and you cannot reuse this base unless you've purchased it from panda, you can dm them or me for further questions
Check the text file <3